MIDORIGreen Easy

MIDORIGreen Easy
Non-carcinogenic DNA stain of the latest generation – Ultra-sensitive for LED illumination
- MIDORIGreen Easy is the new member of the MIDORIGreen family and a highly sensitive green fluorescent stain for a safe visualization of DNA and RNA in agarose gels.
- MIDORIGreen Easy (MG12) comes in a volume of 0.4 ml and a concentration of 10,000 x (for staining 4 l of agarose).
- This DNA stain is a safe and better alternative to the traditional nucleic acid stain ethidium bromide (EtBr).
- Remarkably, agarose gels stained with MIDORIGreen Easy have a very low background fluorescence, which makes the identification of low amounts of DNA very easy.
Excellent signal quality
We developed MIDORIGreen Easy to have the same excellent signal quality and low background as MIDORIGreen Xtra. It is also unbeatable with visible excitation light and shows the best results with our Blue/Green LED technology. The bands show outstanding sharpness and sensitivity. MIDORIGreen Easy was designed to make the switch from SYBR® Safe as convenient as possible for you and get your DNA signals to the next level. If you are convinced by the quality of our MIDORIGreen Easy you can also try the more concentrated MIDORIGreen Xtra and adapt your staining protocol accordingly.
Safe alternative to ethidiumbromide
MIDORIGreen Easy delivers even better DNA/RNA signals than ethidium bromide. However, this innovative DNA stain is non-carcinogenic, non-mutagenic and non-toxic and therefore not harmful for your health. Independent laboratories confirmed its safety: Both the mutagenicity test (ames test) and the cytotoxicity test were negative.
Easy switch from SYBR® Safe
MIDORIGreen Easy enables an effortless switch from using SYBR® Safe to stain agarose gels. MIDORIGreen Easy has exactly the same dye concentration (10,000 x) and tube volume (0.4 ml) as SYBR® Safe (sufficient for 4 l agarose) – for less than half the price.
The performance of MIDORIGreen Easy and SYBR Safe is the same, depart from the difference that heating of the DNA stain is recommended for SYBR Safe but MIDORIGreen Easy should be added to the agarose after heating.
Aplicaciones | Electroforesis |
Categoría de Producto | Colorantes fluorescentes |
Temperatura Envío | Refrigerado 4º |
Temperatura Almacenaje | Refrigerado 4º |
Disponibilidad | Bajo pedido |
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