Master mix FastGene Scriptase II cDNA 5x ReadyMix (100 rxns)(incl. Oligo dT y hexámeros random)
Ready Mix
The FastGene® Scriptase II 5x ReadyMix is an engineered enzyme with a reduced RNase H activity and comes ready-to-use with all necessary ingredients to perform a revers transcription.
Engineered enzyme
Engineered reverse transcriptases allowed the synthesis of cDNA from very low amounts of RNA. Mutations are inserted into the RNase H domain of the MuLV‘s reverse transcriptase. Therefore, by not degrading the RNA during the first-strand synthesis, a higher yield of full-length cDNA is obtained. Additionally, a higher thermal stability increases the robustness of the enzyme. The FastGene® Scriptase II is exactly one of those engineered enzymes. With its mutation in the RNase H domain and higher thermal stability, it is the optimal choice for more complex applications, such as RT-qPCR and NGS.
Lower RNase H activity for longer cDNA
The FastGene® Scriptase II has a modified RNase H domain. The RNA is therefore not degraded and serves as a template for longer cDNAs, resulting in fragment size of up to 12 kBp.
Engineered enzymes – optimized for qPCR
The FastGene® Scriptase II delivers superior cDNA templates for downstream applications, e.g. qPCR and NGS. The resulting full-length cDNA gives a complete picture of the gene and is able to show modification, e.g. splicing variants.
Categoría de Producto | Retrotranscriptasas |
Subcategoría de Producto | RT-PCR |
Temperatura Envío | Refrigerado 4º |
Temperatura Almacenaje | Congelado -20º |
Disponibilidad | Bajo pedido |
Especificaciones | 1. Mix the ReadyMix with the RNA Template using the following setup: 5x FastGene® Scriptase II ReadyMix (LS64) 4 µl 2. Incubate at 25 °C for 10 minutes. 3. Incubate at 42 °C for 60 minutes*. *Note: The recommended incubation time can be reduced to 5 minutes depending on the product abundance and size. Download here our Technical Note showing the performance at lower temperature (down to 5 min.). 4. Inactivate the FastGene Scriptase II by incubating at 85°C for 5 min. 5. Store the cDNA at -20 °C or use it for downstream application. |
Caracteristicas | Ready-to-use
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